Current lab based science classes offered include biology, chemistry and physics. Each class is designed with visual, tactile and auditory learners in mind. New material is presented in lectures which are accompanied by demonstrations, video clips and real life examples. Lectures are followed by in - class activities and group projects designed to reinforce the concepts that are taught. Lab activities further reinforce main concepts. While curriculum can easily be modified to accommodate students' abilities and needs, expectations are high in order to challenge students within their capabilities.
The biology class includes topics such as the cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and genetics. Activities to illustrate concepts include building models of DNA and building models of both plant and animal cells as a comparison. Chemistry covers a variety of topics such as chemical interactions, writing and balancing equations and nuclear energy and reactions. Activities for chemistry include building models of atoms and molecules and designing your own periodic table based on a group of items. Physics includes topics such as Newton's Laws of Motion, energy and magnetism. In class activities for physics include creating force diagrams from real time situations, building circuits and using toy roller coasters to study different types of energy and motion.
Current math classes offered include Practical Math, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus and Calculus. An SAT and ACT preparatory class is also offered. Due to the many concepts and skills that are needed in order to be successful in math, the students' math skills are assessed at the beginning of their first math class. This allows the math instructor to see what concepts need to be revisited.
Math classes follow a tutoring - based model. Students receive individualized instruction throughout their course that is tailored to their specific needs. Students are continuously assessed as they progress through the course and any additional support is provided. This gives students the best of both worlds; they can work at a pace that is comfortable while receiving individualized instruction as well as engage in the challenges of a traditional class.
Courses Offered (Math):
| Basic Math | Algebra 1 | Geometry | Algebra 2 | Trigonometry |
Pre-Calculus | Calculus | Business Math
Courses Offered (Science):
| Biology | Chemistry | Chemistry with Labs | Environmental Science |
Zoology | Physics |
* All courses are also offered at Honors level
The English Department of San Pedro Valley Academy is focused on guiding students toward the successful completion of all course work required for high school graduation. To accomplish that goal, the department provides, and continually updates, a mix of independent study courses and traditional discussion based courses. The philosophical underpinning for the independent study course work and the discussion-based classes is to create a synergistic environment wherein students are learning the requisite material, while at the same time developing learning skills.
The independent study course work allows students to develop a mastery of the English literature and language core curriculum for grades 9 - 12. Grades 9 and 10 of the independent study course work focuses on the reading and writing of fiction and nonfiction, short stories, poetry, and drama. Each grade level also guides students to read and understand the topics at an increasingly complex and sophisticated level. The 11th Grade curriculum allows students to explore American Literature from the Colonial to the Contemporary Literary Periods. The students are introduced to authors and literary works that exemplify those periods. 12th Grade English provides students with the opportunity to gain an understanding, and appreciation, of British Literature. Students are guided through literature and poetry from the Old English and Medieval Periods, the English Renaissance, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century literature, the Romantic Period, the Victorian Period, and the Modern and Postmodern Periods. Each of the independent courses also provide curriculum that increases the student's understanding of, and ability to utilize, appropriate grammar and composition.
The English department has also developed and implemented new, exciting discussion based courses designed to supplement and enhance the core curriculum. Our Great American Authors course explores the history, biography and works of noted American authors. The course focuses on authors and novels of the Colonial Period, Enlightenment Period, Romantic Period, Transcendental and Anti-transcendental Period, Realist Period, Naturalist Period, Modern Period and Contemporary Period. As a class, the students study the periods identified above and read works written by the renowned authors that were pioneers of those respective periods.
Courses Offered:
English 9 Literary Elements and Storytelling | English 10 World Literature | English 11 American Literature | English 12 European Literature |
Creative Writing |
Social Sciences:
The Social Science Department has designed and implemented a wide variety of interesting and relevant options for San Pedro Valley Academy students. The two recent offerings are World Issues and Human Geography and Media: History and Culture. The World Issues and Human Geography course focuses on understanding geographic concepts in order to enable students to analyze social, economic and political issues at local, regional and global scales. Major topics include Globalization, Population and Migration, The Geography of Language, and The Geography of Religion. The Media History and Culture class introduces students to the concepts of media study and provides a broad historical perspective that allow them to understand the influence of media on society and the individual. Other classes that have been designed by the Social Science department include Sociology and Psychology. We have also created special curriculum designed in conjunction with student trips to Peru.
The Social Studies Department also offers independent study and self-paced course work which allow students to proceed at their own rate through core curriculum. These include American History, American Government, and World History. Sociology, Psychology, and Personal Finance are also available for social science credit when needed.
Courses Offered:
| American Government | American History | Media History and Culture | Personal Finance | Psychology | World Geography | World History |
San Pedro Valley Academy is very pleased to offer three Spanish Language courses. Students are very engaged in the learning process and many ask to be able to learn more than one language once they have completed two years of the same foreign language for their graduation requirements. Supplementary materials to reinforce vocabulary and grammar are also a part of our language component.
Courses Offered:
Spanish 1 | Spanish 2 | Spanish 3 |
Electives Offered:
| Information Technology | Fine Arts | Physical Education | Equine |
Extracurricular Activities:
Health, Fitness & Nutrition
The program has a strong health, fitness and nutritional emphasis to include:
- Weight training and cardiovascular training
- On site basketball court & soccer field
- Tennis, running, golf, rock climbing etc.
- Meditation and yoga
- Self-defense and martial arts
- Horsemanship
- Training for half and full marathons, if you like
- Nutritional education
- Culinary arts courses and instruction in healthy food preparation
- Wilderness expeditions and hikes
- Recreational therapy programs
- Peer to peer and structured physical education